An interesting thing this. I wouldn't consider myself to have a personal brand. After all, I'm not one of the self obsessed candidates on the Apprentice. However when you really think about it we do say a lot about ourselves through our digital presence whether we intend to or not.
Searching for myself on Google was quite amusing as I seem to be both a successful HR executive as well as a rather dubious American actor. I think I got to the third page before I found anything that was actually linked to me and that would probably indicate that I need to increase my online presence by doing something of worth!
We have recently rebranded here at work and a lot of discussions took place about the importance of getting the new branding right. With this, and the comments on the cpd23 blog, in mind I have changed my profile picture (to one showing my appreciation of cake) and have also tinkered with some of my blog settings. Hopefully this will reflect some of my personality and show that this is a blog about my own personal development.
I found this an interesting thing to do too: like you, I found out a lot of interesting people who are my namesakes, without actually finding much out about myself, except for my address and who my husband is (which I obviously already know) :) It's a bit of a strange thing to try to get your head around ('branding' yourself), but hopefully it shall all become clearer in time...PS Like your cake pic!